Golden colony | cut to size polished granite 2cm

111,46 €
  • Cat No: 9/1/181 | Цена за 1 кв.м | Price per sq.m | VAT incl.
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Product code for Golden colony | cut to size polished granite 2cm: 9/1/1


Dimensions: The slabs are custom-cut according to the client’s specifications. Thickness is 2 cm.


Weight: 60 kg/m²


Packaging: Securely packed in wooden crates.


Services: Door-to-door delivery via courier, with pallet dimensions up to a maximum length of 180 cm.


Processing: The price for edge processing (rounding, drip edge, or chamfering) is charged additionally per linear meter.


Golden Colony | cut to size polished granite 2cm

Golden Colony granite is a natural stone that impresses with its warm and vibrant color palette of gold, yellow, and brown. These natural shades create a sense of coziness and connection to nature, making it an excellent choice for various home projects. The polished finish enhances the natural texture and patterns, showcasing the stone’s authentic beauty.

Characteristics of Golden Colony granite

  • Warm and natural tones:
    Golden and yellow hues combined with brown accents create natural harmony and balance.
    Ideal for interiors aiming for warmth, tranquility, and an organic connection to the environment.

  • Durability:
    Polished granite is extremely strong and wear-resistant, making it suitable for areas with daily use.
    The material is waterproof and retains its qualities over the years.

  • Wide applications:
    Suitable for interior stair treads, window sills, thresholds, terrace caps, and wall cladding.

Applications of Golden Colony granite

  • Window sills:
    The polished finish enriches the appearance of windows, adding warmth and natural charm.

  • Interior stair treads:
    Provides stability and creates a visual accent in interiors with natural textures.

  • Terrace caps:
    Perfect for outdoor applications requiring durability and a visual connection to nature.

Why choose Golden Colony granite?

  • Natural material with a unique imprint:
    Each stone tells its own story with unique patterns and colors that cannot be replicated.

  • Functionality:
    Ideal for daily use thanks to its strength and easy maintenance.

  • Customization:
    We create slabs cut to individual dimensions to meet the specific needs of your project.

How to order?

  • Provide your dimensions:
    Our team will prepare a personalized offer, including specifications, production time, and transport. We do not offer installation services. The professional responsible for installation must take precise measurements.

  • Packaging and delivery:
    The slabs are packed in durable wooden crates for safe transport and delivered throughout Bulgaria or picked up from our base in Kresna.

Instructions for installation and maintenance

  • Installation:
    We recommend using flexible cement adhesive class C2TES1 for secure and durable results.
    Mark areas with wavy lines for rounding/beveling/water stops or special edge treatments.

  • Maintenance:
    Impregnate with a suitable granite product to protect the stone from stains and dirt.
    Regular cleaning with a neutral cleaner will preserve its natural appearance and texture.

Visit our showroom in Sofia

To experience the beauty and quality of Golden Colony granite, visit our showroom at 9 Boris Arsoff St. (near Simeonovo Blvd.). Our specialists will assist you with professional advice and solutions for your project.

Golden Colony granite is a material that combines natural beauty and durability. Suitable for window sills, stair treads, and other accents, it will transform your space, adding warmth and harmony.

Price / Unit
Price per 1 sq.m.
Wooden crates: max. 7-10sq.m in one crate
60 kg/ sq/m.
IMPORTANT: Nature, specifics and characteristics of natural stone
Deviations and variations in the colors and textures of the stone slabs are possible due to the natural origin and formation of the stone., Machine-cut stone pieces have nominal dimensions with tolerances up to ± 3mm (not calibrated), It is not possible to pre-sort by color or size, nor to accommodate preferences for shades, patterns, or tones in the stone's color.
Recommended adhesive
Cement-based adhesive class C2TES1: C - Cement-based, 2 - Improved strength properties, T - Non-slip fixing, E - Extended open time, S1 - Flexible for linear expansions (+ TRASS additive to prevent salt deposits/efflorescence).
Protection, mandatory impregnation, and maintenance
For water resistance: Universal stone impregnator (LTP or AKEMI), For color protection and enhancement: "Wet Effect" Impregnator, Always clean natural stone only with pH-neutral cleaners.
Поради технологията на производство, физизко-механичните свойства и структурата на естествения камък и на каменните машинно рязани плочи са възможни счупвания и/или нащърбвания на ръбове, за които Раймар не дължи неустойки или подмяна.

We export to many countries in Europe by delivering wholesale to companies with full trucks’ orders. Please send us your inquiry and we’ll get back to you with our proposal, production time and transport parameters, so you can check the transport cost with your shipping partners.


We also ship orders for private persons across Europe through a door-to-door courier service. Let us know what you liked and the zip code at the place of delivery. We will check with the courier companies for you and send you the best shipping price.

Protection, mandatory impregnation, and maintenance

Like every beautiful thing and like every natural material, natural stone requires proper care and maintenance.
We recommend: always treat stone surfaces with the right products for natural stone!
Regardless of the type of stone and its location, a single application of sealing agent will save you unnecessary worries and greatly facilitate maintenance.
Everything needs care. Use the high-quality German products from AKEMI, with which we have been working and recommending for years.
The treated impregnated surface does not allow water and contaminants to penetrate.
The protection with a sealer provides resistance against the destructive cycles of freezing and melting in external conditions. Water simply does not absorb when the stone surface is impregnated but forms droplets.
Depending on the type of sealer, it may not alter the external appearance of the stone or deepen its colors. Choose among the following types of sealers:
"Universal" sealer, which does not change the appearance of the stone and protects against water.
"Wet Effect" - a powerful sealer, like the Universal one, but with colors standing out in a more intense contrast.
"Stain-Free" is the best sealer: it protects against water and grease, also without changing the external appearance of the stone.
The frequency of reapplication depends on conditions and the usage of the stone tiles (whether it is flooring and traffic intensity). Usually, AKEMI recommends every 5 years for exterior stone, flooring + wet areas, and 10 years for interior stone (wall cladding).
How to apply the sealer? - It's easy, like child's play. The stone surface must be clean and very dry. The liquid is applied undiluted with a roller, sponge, or brush. If the surface is smooth polished or matte, a second step is required: the so-called "polishing" with a microfiber cloth for 20 minutes after applying the sealer. And we're done.
What cleaning products are used for natural stone? - Some types of stone, such as marble and travertine, are sensitive to acidic, very strong cleaning agents (e.g. bleach). We recommend: always clean your stone surfaces with a pH-neutral cleaning agent.
Ask us if you have any more questions! We are here and happy to assist.
How to breathe new life into natural stone in the exterior?
In a few steps, natural stone can be restored to its original state, in its full brilliance and aesthetics.
  • First and foremost is regular cleaning and at least once a year thorough washing with a pressure washer. This is particularly important for our outdoor furniture products (barbecues, sinks, tables, countertops, and pavement tiles).
  • Once the surfaces are clean and dry, do not forget to apply a sealer.
  • Tip: Protect your outdoor flooring from furniture that may rust.
  • For specific stains such as oily spots, efflorescence (cement milk), mold, cement residues, or grout mixtures, silicones, or paints, it is best to contact us directly for consultation. Count on us; we will provide you with the right products to address the issue, wherever and whenever possible.
The durability of natural stone depends on the specific porosity of the stone type and its water absorption levels. For example, the porosity of granite and gneiss is around 1%, while sandstone has over 20%.
The biggest destructive enemies for items, coverings, and pavements exposed year-round are the sun and freeze/thaw cycles. When the stone is sealed/waterproof, you will receive maximum protection and much easier maintenance.
In severe cases of areas with contamination, the non-polished stone surface can be treated with an angle grinder and fine sandpapers. This process removes the top layer of the stone, making it look like new. (The process is similar to sanding wooden parquet.)
Stone is the best friend of the yard and garden. With love for beautiful, natural materials and proper care, the stone will continue to bring you joy for many years to come.


Dear Customers,


We would like to inform you that we do not offer installation services for our products (we are only producer). Here’s how we can assist you:


Nationwide Delivery
We organize delivery with budget-friendly pallet transport for all heavy shipments. Your order will arrive at the address you provide, ready for installation.


Garden Products
When you purchase garden products, you will receive detailed installation instructions. These projects are very straightforward and usually take no more than a day to complete. We recommend finding local professionals or handymen who can handle the installation quickly and efficiently.


Stone Products (cladding, flooring, window sills, stairs, etc.)
Installing natural stone requires experience and skills to ensure quality and durability. To find reliable professionals:


  • Seek recommendations from friends or neighbors who are satisfied with their projects.
  • Contact local construction companies or contractors who specialize in natural stone installation.
  • Explore online platforms for services, where you can find reviews and portfolios of various specialists.


Natural stone demands attention to detail, so we recommend hiring an experienced professional. We are here to provide detailed product information and make the installation process as seamless as possible.


For additional information and support
Feel free to contact us at +359 898 461 913 or +359 879 516 050, or via email at We’ll be happy to assist you!

Ideas, feedback, and advice for inspiration

Открийте богатство от полезна информация, вдъхновение и практични съвети в нашия блог Идеи, мнения и съвети за вдъхновение.


Тук ще намерите статии с идеи за интериор и екстериор, споделени проекти от наши клиенти, експертни насоки за монтаж и поддръжка на естествен камък, както и мнения и обратна връзка за продуктите ни.


Вярваме, че естествените материали създават хармония и красота, които вдъхновяват хората да прекарват повече време навън и на открито със семейство и приятели.


Блогът ни е място, където природната естетика и практичността се срещат, за да ви помогнат да си изградите красиво и устойчиво пространство, където камъкът си тежи на мястото.


Всички статии


Безплатни мостри за вашия проект


Камъкът е като 5-те пръста на ръката – всеки е различен и уникален и именно в това се крие неговата красота и очарование. Снимките дават обща представа за естествения материал, но нищо не може да се сравни с възможността да докоснете камъка, да видите как изглежда под различна светлина и да усетите неговата откровена текстура.
Важно е да имате предвид, че заради геоложкия произход са възможни и дори желателни различия в цветовата гама, нюанси и структура на повърхността. Това е магията на природата и естествените материали.


Какво представляват мострите?


Мострите са малки парчета естествен камък със средни размери от около 20х20см, които ви позволяват да получите представа за материала. Те са подбрани така, че да покажат основните цветове, текстури и характеристики на камъка. Мострите са компактни и удобни за пренасяне, което ги прави идеални за сравнение, налагане и избор директно на място в проекта.


Мострите са от нас – клиентите заплащате само доставката! Цената за транспорта от врата до врата е около 10 лв. за един пакет с размери 20/30/10 см и тегло до 1-2 кг. Работим с всички куриери, като можете да изберете доставка до адрес или до офис на Еконт или Спиди по ваш избор.


За да получите вашите мостри, изпратете ни име, адрес/ офис на куриер и телефон за контакт и до 2-3 работни дни те ще бъдат при вас (изпращаме ги веднага). Ако изберете повече мостри (до 5 различни вида камък), доставката ще се оскъпи в зависимост от теглото на пратката. Може да се свържете с нас на тел. 0879 51 60 50, вайбър или на имейл: .



Защо да поръчате безплатни мостри?

  1. Визуализация на продукта:
    Вижте камъка на живо и преценете как ще се впише във вашето пространство. Така ще вземете информирано решение.

  2. Оценка на качеството:
    Мострите ви позволяват да проверите качеството, текстурата и структурата на естествения камък, за да сте сигурни, че избирате устойчив и красив материал.

  3. Сравнение на продуктите:
    Ако избирате между няколко варианта, мострите ще ви помогнат да сравните и да изберете най-подходящия за вашия проект.

  4. Намаляване на риска:
    Виждайки продукта предварително, избягвате грешки, които биха могли да ви костват време и средства.

  5. Безценен опит:
    Получавате възможност да разгледате и опитате различни видове камък, без да се ангажирате предварително.

Свържете се с нас за въпроси и заявка на мостри на тел. 0898 461 913 или 0879 51 60 50.

Благодарим ви, че избирате Раймар. Насреща сме да помогнем във всяка стъпка от вашия проект!