Personal Data

PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION POLICY Art. 28. In order to provide products and services from Raimar Ltd., Raimar Ltd./ The Supplier with business address: Kresna, 90 Vardar Str., PIN: 101784563 processes data of physical persons (Users), in compliance with the present Policy. While processing personal data, the Supplier shall comply with all applicable provisions for personal data protection, including, but not only, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (Regulation). According to the Regulation, personal data is any information, that relates to the Users and by means of which they can be identified. Processing of personal data (Processing) shall mean any operation or set of operations which is performed upon personal data using automated or other means. (1) Groups of persons for whom data is processed In relation to the products and services offered, Raimar Ltd. shall process information referring to the following Users: (a) physical persons, users of (b) physical persons making enquiries (incl. via phone call), requests, alerts, complaints or other correspondence to the Supplier; (c) physical persons, information about whom is included in enquiries (incl. via phone call), requests, alerts, complaints or other correspondence to the Supplier. (2) Data processed in relation to the provision of products and services 2.1. Information provided by the Users User shall independently decide whether and how to order the products and services of the Supplier, provided via or on-the-spot in the production facility of Raimar Ltd. in the town of Kresna. This data is of the kind without which it shall be impossible to provide the respectful products or services, or parts of these. Raimar Ltd. shall be able to process other data relating to the Users in the cases in which the Users provide such data on a voluntary basis in the communication with the Supplier. (3) Purposes for personal data processing The Supplier shall collect, use and process the data described above for the purposes provisioned in the present Policy and in the Terms and Conditions for purchasing the products and using the services, which could be the following: - Purposes necessary for the conclusion and implementation of the contract for the provision of products and services between the Users and Supplier; - Purposes for which the Users give their express consent; - Purposes necessary for the implementation of the legal obligations of Raimar Ltd. (4) DURATION OF DARA RETENTION For the retention of data, the Supplier shall apply the general principle of data retention in minimal volume and for a time period no longer than the necessary for the provision of the products and services, securing their safety and reliability and the legal requirements. Type of data: Registration data such as name, surname, phone number, email, delivery address and information about the completion of the order or the enquiry and the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and the Personal Data Protection Policy (date, time, IP address). Period of retention: Up to 1 /one/ year after the date of the last communication (order or enquiry) between the Supplier and the User. In case of a legal dispute or proceedings, which necessitates the retention of data and/or a request of a competent authority, it shall be possible to retain data for a period longer than the one mentioned above, until the dispute or proceedings are resolved with all bodies involved. The aforesaid time limits could change in case a different requirement for data retention in compliance with the legislation in force arises. (5) DATA PROVISION The Supplier shall not provide personal data of third parties in any way other than the one described in the present Policy, Terms and Conditions and the cases provisioned by the law. 5.1 Service providers and subcontractors: The Supplier shall use subcontractors and service providers such as courier service and accountancy firms, etc. Within the scope of work with subcontractors and service providers, the Supplier shall require that they strictly abide by the instructions, in compliance with the present Policy and Terms and Conditions. 5.2. Third parties The personal data of Users could be given to third parties only in the following cases: when this is provisioned by the law; if this is requested in an appropriate manner by a competent authority or judicial authority; when the Supplier is given express consent; when this is necessitated for the protection of rights and legitimate interests of Raimar Ltd. and/or other clients. 5.3. Change in ownership In case of merger, acquisition or sale of assets, concerning the processing of personal data, the Users shall be notified in advance. (6) Rights with regard to personal data The Regulation provides for the following rights: 6.1. Right to information. The present Policy seeks to provide Users with detailed information about the processing of their personal data in relation to the products and services offered. 6.2. Right to access. The User shall have the right to obtain confirmation whether their personal data is being processed, access to these data and information about their processing and their rights in this respect. Such access could be made at any time, via all communication channels. 6.3. Right to correction. The User shall have the right to correct their personal data, in case these are incomplete or inaccurate. 6.4 Right to deletion. The User shall have the right to request deletion of their data, unless in the cases in which there are substantial grounds and/or legal obligation for their processing. 6.5 Right to limitation in relation to data processing. The Regulation provides for the opportunity to limit the personal data of the User, if there are grounds for that, envisaged thereby. 6.6 The User shall have the right to objection and complaint with a supervisory authority. (7) The Supplier shall have the right to store data in the end communication device of the User, unless the latter explicitly expresses their disagreement. The User’s disagreement could be made at any time. (8) The User or the Consumer shall agree that the Supplier has the right to send at any time electronic messages to the User, including a newsletter or offers for the purchase of goods. (9) By accepting the present Terms and Conditions and Personal Data Protection Policy, the User shall make an express consent within the meaning of Art. 6, Par. 1 and Par. 4 in the Ecommerce Act to receive commercial communications under Par. 6 of the present Article.
Date of latest update: 23 March 2021 
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