Product Return

 (1) The customer has the right, without owing compensation or penalty and without stating a reason, to exercise their right of returning the goods within a period of 14 days from the date of receiving the goods. In this case, the customer is obliged to cover only the return shipping costs.

(2) The right of return under paragraph 1 does not apply in the following cases:

For the delivery of goods and provision of services whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial markets that the Supplier cannot control;

For the delivery of goods made according to the specific requirements and dimensions of the Customer or based on their individual order;

For the delivery of goods that, due to their nature, are consumable (already assembled or used) or cannot be returned, or there is a risk of deterioration of their quality characteristics;

(3) When the Supplier has not fulfilled its obligations to provide information as defined in Article 54 of the Consumer Protection Act, the customer has the right to cancel the order within a period of up to three months from the date of receiving the goods. When the information under this paragraph is provided to the customer within the return period, it begins to run from the date of its provision.

(4) In the event the customer exercises their right of return under paragraph 1, the Supplier is obliged to refund the amounts paid by the customer no later than 14 calendar days from the date the customer exercised their right of return. The transportation costs for returning the goods are deducted from the amount paid by the customer unless the consumer has returned the goods at their own expense and has informed the Supplier about it. The Supplier has the right to refund a lower amount if it is proven that the goods have been damaged or have become unsaleable in the meantime, and their value has decreased.

(5) Link to the Consumer Protection Commission:, tel.: 0700 111 20

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